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Home > News and views > Lincolnshire Annual Dinner 2017

Lincolnshire Annual Dinner 2017

A talk by Professor the Lord Peter Hennessy (pictured above with Chairman, Mike Graydon).

On Thursday 9th November the Lincolnshire branch held its annual black-tie dinner in the recently opened Constance Stewart Building at the Bishop Grossette Universtiy in Lincoln.

The evening was a great success with over a 100 people attending enhanced by a wonderful talk given by Professor the Lord Peter Hennessy on the subject of Britain’s Place in the World which was well received and prompted many searching questions. The money raised from the dinner will go towards the ‘Discovering Debating‘ programme in Lincolnshire.

Further photos from the Annual Dinner below.

This story was submitted by the ESU Lincoln & Lincolnshire branch. Please click here for information on this branch and its upcoming events.

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