Colchester & North Essex Branch welcomed as guest speaker historian and ESU London Chair, Edward Towne, who gave an absorbing talk on the Cambridge Spies at Colchester English Study Centre in the afternoon of Sunday, 9 December 2018. Edward gave a vivid and entertaining illustrated presentation, which combined the contexts of privileged education, contemporary politics, gaining access to sensitive information, the response of the state and repercussions to the country and the individuals. An audience comprising ESU supporters, Study Centre staff and others from the town were clearly engaged with the topic and raised some pertinent questions.
Earlier, local chair, Brian Cooke, had referred to the ESU’s centenary year and paid tribute to the international development work, the engagement in public speaking and forward-thinking attitude of his much respected predecessor, Mrs Geraldine Watson, who was in attendance with her husband, former branch treasurer, David.
After mince pies and a time to chat, the afternoon concluded for local members with the branch annual general meeting.