As an ambassador for the charity Hello World, Johnny has travelled frequently to Nepal and been actively involved in their project to provide solar powered internet-enabled education hubs to remote communities. He has built a very successful career as a photographer specialising in adventure, expedition and commercial photography.
Coffee will be served from 10.15am, with the main talk beginning at 11am sharp, and lunch from 12.30pm.
Lunch & Talk ticket price: £20 (Members) & £22 (Guests)
Talk only ticket price: £10 – FREE for first-time visitors
Cheques payable to ‘English-Speaking Union’ should be sent to:
ESU Luncheon Secretary, 3 Stonemasons Yard, Salisbury SP1 2HX
Direct transfers can be made to:
Bank: Coutts & Co, 440 Strand, London WC2R 0QS
Sort Code: 18-00-02
Account Name: English-Speaking Union of the Commonwealth
Account No: 01817590