Join Devon & Exeter Branch for a lunch followed by a talk on “Principles, Pragmatism and Politics – the making of public policy in the UK – and why it affects us all” by Professor Tony Stoller CBE.
Professor Stoller graduated with degrees in both history and law from Cambridge. He has had many important roles in both the private and public sectors, including Principal Director of the John Lewis Partnership, Chair of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Chief Executive of the Radio Authority. He is now Visiting Professor of Media and Communications at Bournemouth University and has written extensively on the broadcasting of classical music and the history of commercial radio. He was awarded CBE in 2004 for services to broadcasting.
With that background, he is well placed to understand and comment upon, with fascinating examples, the way in which political, social and economic policies which affect us all in the way in which we live, are formed and implemented.
Application for places at speakers’ events should be made in writing to the Dining Secretary, Mr. Philip Maunder, Pennies, 46 Pound Lane, Topsham EX30NA with a separate cheque for each event, made payable to ‘ESU Devon and Exeter’. Cheques will not be presented for payment until the day after the event.