The Speaker for the Suffolk branch’s October meeting at Nowton Court was Major John Milward MBE, who is a member of the branch.
First, the Members enjoyed a delicious “Harvest Lunch” and had time to socialise. Major Milward told us about his life as a Boy Soldier, as he entered the army when he was only 15. He painted an enlightening picture of the routine, food, and discipline. He described how even the beds had to be made to an exact standard in order to satisfy inspection. Those young inexperienced years led to an impressive career of 48 years.
After answering questions Major Milward was warmly praised by Councillor Patrick Chung and was given a book from the members as a thank you.
This story was submitted by the ESU Bury St Edmunds & Suffolk branch. Please click here for information on this branch and its upcoming events.