The 66th Annual General Meeting of the Salisbury & South Wiltshire Branch of the English-Speaking Union of the Commonwealth
After the AGM there will be an online presentation by Commander Vernon Phillips on the topic of “Royal Naval Hovercraft in the Falkland Islands, 1967”
The Branch is very grateful to Commander Vernon Phillips for agreeing to be our guinea pig in this, our first online talk of this 2020-21 season.
The hovercraft was a relatively new invention in 1967 when Commander Phillips was sent to the Falkland Islands to put the craft through sea trials. He will share his stories of his year on the South Atlantic’s waves, exploring the windswept wilderness and seeing wonderful wildlife. Vernon got to see a lot of the overseas territory, touring the whole colony and visiting every settlement.
The meeting will take place online using the Zoom cloud platform for video and audio conferencing. Branch members must notify the Secretary of their wish to attend the meeting no later than Monday 21st September.
Notification must be sent by email to: